Dr. Melody Stein

Professional Harpist

Melody Stein is recent Doctoral graduate from the University of Miami, Frost School of Music studying Instrumental Performance in Harp with Maestro Schwarz and Professor Johnson. While Melody regularly performs with all of the main orchestral and band ensembles as well as the Henry Mancini Institute, she particularly enjoys working with opera productions and is basing her doctoral studies on operatic excerpts in professional harp auditions. Before arriving at Frost, Melody graduated from San Francisco Conservatory of Music studying with Dr. Jennifer Ellis. She also received her Bachelor’s of Music in Harp with a minor in Performing Arts Management under the tutelage of Joan Raeburn Holland at the University of Michigan, School of Music, Theatre, and Dance.

She has performed in national performance venues that include Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, Kennedy Center, the White House and the State Department. Internationally, she has toured in Austria and performed at the 2014 World Harp Congress in Sydney, Australia. In her free time, she enjoys being a cat mom, cheering on her alma mater’s sports teams, cooking, and listening to an assortment of podcasts. Follow her harp adventures on instagram! @melodysteinharpist
